Course Description

This is a course designed to help parents going through tough times with a difficult co-parent. The first part of the course helps you understand the nature of human conflict and ho it applies to co-parenting. Emphasis is on reducing your co-parenting stress by taking a new "thinking perspective" on your co-parenting situation. Specific advice is offered about what to say and do when your co-parent is giving you a difficult time.

The perspective in this course teaches you the difference between "being nice and conceding to every demand" versus using civilized strategies to manage a difficult co-parent.

The second part of the program is a series of contracts and exercises that clarify communication, This section is most useful when trying to fashion legal agreements or when working with a neutral third party to held resolve conflict.

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$75.00 /One-time


  • Make the best presentation to court decision makers and decision influencers
  • Reduce divorce stress on your children
  • Remove divorce stress from your life
  • What to say and do in difficult co-parenting situations
  • Improve your parent to parent transitions.
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